What is RSD?

Picture this: you're at a party, having a great time, when suddenly someone makes a comment that feels like a punch in the gut. Your mood instantly plummets, and it's like all the joy gets sucked out of the room. That's kind of what rejection-sensitive dysphoria feels like.

See, for people with ADHD, criticism or perceived rejection can hit them like a ton of bricks. It's not just feeling sad or disappointed; it's like a tidal wave of intense emotions crashing down on them. And what's tough is that these feelings can be triggered by even the smallest things - a sideways glance, a minor criticism, or even just the fear of being rejected.

Now, how does this impact folks with ADHD? Well, it can make everything feel ten times harder. It's like constantly walking on eggshells, afraid of making a mistake or being judged by others. This fear of rejection can hold them back from taking risks, pursuing their passions, or even forming close relationships.

Let's dive into rejection-sensitive dysphoria (RSD) and how it affects folks with ADHD.

But here's the thing: understanding rejection-sensitive dysphoria is the first step towards managing it. By recognizing these intense emotional reactions for what they are - a symptom of ADHD - folks can learn to cope with them more effectively. With the right support and strategies, they can build resilience and confidence, knowing that they're not defined by other people's opinions.

So, if you're struggling with rejection-sensitive dysphoria, know that you're not alone. Reach out to us today, and let's work together to navigate these challenges and reclaim your sense of self-worth and confidence.

My RSD has me stuck!

My RSD has me stuck!

Have you been experiencing intense emotional reactions to criticism or perceived rejection, feeling overwhelmed by even minor setbacks? These could be signs of rejection-sensitive dysphoria (RSD), a common aspect of ADHD. But don't fret, you're not alone in this. If you've been struggling with these feelings and wondering if RSD might be a factor, why not take a moment to explore further? By following the link below, you can take a quick screener to see if your experiences align with RSD symptoms.

Combating RSD with Psychotherapy

Navigating RSD can feel like traversing a stormy sea, but psychotherapy offers a beacon of hope. Through a blend of talk therapy and skills building, individuals can learn to weather the emotional turbulence of RSD more effectively. Talk therapy provides a safe space to explore underlying emotions and experiences that contribute to RSD, while skills building equips individuals with practical strategies to manage intense emotional reactions and build resilience. By combining these approaches, psychotherapy can empower individuals to regain control over their emotional responses and cultivate a greater sense of self-worth. If you're ready to take the first step towards managing RSD and reclaiming your emotional well-being, schedule a free consultation with us today. Together, we can chart a course towards a calmer, more confident you.

Book a 15-Minute Consultation.

It all begins with recognizing that you are ready to stop the struggle—struggling with focus, organization, emotion dysregulation, and feeling disconnected. Taking the step to schedule a 15-minute consultation is the start of your journey towards self-discovery and mental well-being, where you can find support and understanding. Schedule your consultation today!